API Reference


The goal of the Cooler API is to give you the ability to eliminate the carbon emissions you generate in the course of serving your customers by neutralizing them; you mark your transactions to be neutralized, and we purchase an emissions permits about equal to your emissions ion your behalf. To do that, you must know the carbon footprint of your transactions. You can calculate the carbon footprint of your goods and services as part of transactions individually in real time or as a batch. Ultimately the goal is to reduce power plant emissions by an amount equal to your periodic aggregated footprint. For example, if your aggregate carbon footprint last quarter was 1,000 tons of carbon, you can remove (or to use our term, neutralize) those emissions by using us to purchase emissions permits from regulated markets (read more about that here). To do that, you'd calculate your emissions using the Footprint endpoint, then mark the transactions that comprise the footprint to be neutralized using the Neutralize endpoint.


The Footprint endpoint calculates and returns the carbon footprint(s) for one or more products (up to 1000 at a time), given a well-formed JSON request containing properties, as shown in the examples below. All footprint requests must include your API key from your Cooler account.

Request Parameters

*other currencies planned for near future


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