Sync vs Async Processing

By default, Cooler will process submitted footprint & neutralization transactions asynchronously but we provide an option to process synchronously as that is how the original API version was built, and we want to maintain backwards compatability.

We recommend processing requests in an async manner as there is retry-ability built in as well as better system capacity controls on our end to provide a more stable system. Moreover, we recognize that in some cases, sync processing is preferred so we provide an option to submit a request with expectation of a dense JSON response as oppose to the transaction id only (to be queried later or retrieved via webhook)

Synchronous Flow

The following shows what a partner API integration flow would behave like when executed synchronously. The partner will get the footprint data back immediately in the same request and not through the registered webhook. Additionally any future footprint updates (until footprint expiration time is reached) will be sent to the registered webhook tied to the Cooler account.

Asynchronous Flow

The following shows that a partner API integration flow would behave like when executed asynchronously. The partner will get the footprint data back through the registered webhook. Additionally any future footprint updates (until footprint expiration time is reached) will be sent to the registered webhook tied to the Cooler account.

NOTE: The neutralization endpoint only supports async callbacks to a registered web hook

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